Get your muscle building diet within your budget


Its twenty five percent work out and seventy five percent diet. You might be working very hard but you still struggle to see your desired results . It can be anything weight loss , fat loss or muscle gain.
If your diet is not adequate and sufficient no matter how much effort you put into your gym, you will never see your results.
Here a simple diet plan which is in your budget to see a noticeable change in your physique. If your aim is to gain muscle mass try to follow this diet along with your workout and feel the change.


Breakfast At 7:00 am

  • Two glasses of normal water.
  • Chana , moong bean (green gram) and resins ( soak the  mentioned items in a bowl of water at night). Mix jaggery along with it . Make sure the chana and moong is in germinated form.
  • Home made whey protien shake. Click on the link to find out how to make it.(

Between 10:30 to 11 pm

  • Brown bread along with peanut butter and an egg's pouch and an apple.


Around 1:00 pm

  • Eat Fruits and raw vegetables 45 minutes before your lunch. ( Cucumber, cabbage, beet , carrot etc.)
  • Mixed brown and white rice, mixed daal and some green vegetables.


Pre workout around 4:00 pm

  • One whole egg omelet and a banana . 
  • One Ashwagandha tablet.

Post workout ( As soon as your work out gets over)


Dinner around 8:00 to 8:30 pm

  • Roti , mixed egg whites and boiled chicken, green vegetable.

Around 9:30 to 10:00 pm

  • Nuts.(Cashew nuts, walnuts,Almonds, resins and dates).
  • One glass milk.


  • Try to strictly follow the above diet along with my workout plan for guaranteed result.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Do not starve your self. 
  • Don't keep your stomach empty for more than three hours.
  • Drink at least 5 to 6 liters of water daily. 
  • Try to have your dinner 2 hours before you sleep.

Click on the link to get workout chart

"Keep moving, fitness needs patience".


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