I will make you realize how much beautiful you are

"We rise by lifting others "

"There is no woman like you because you are your own kind of woman ."

Only two percent of women find themselves beautiful. What about the rest ninety eight percent ?
Are't they beautiful ? Are they doing justice with themselves , their capability and their individuality by wrongly interpreting what the actual meaning of being beautiful is ?It is very wrongly assumed that you need a man to make you realize how beautiful you are. You certainly do not need any one to make you realize your beauty and how much worth you are.

The term "BEAUTIFUL" has been very wrongly misinterpreted by our society. Because of the society's narrow vision of beauty there are so many young woman who struggle to love the woman they see inside the mirror. We just need to start looking beyond the exterior of a woman and we need to start looking at her for what she is doing and who she is.

There are woman who are not able to love and embrace themselves, their hips, their weird shaped butts and the cellulite on their thighs. They can't because they are not able to love the woman within them. And once that happens , once you start loving yourself for who you are- your career , your success, your drive will all begin to follow. You will become your own role model. No one else will have that job. You will not let your body like your confidence to be picked apart, manipulated and controlled by others who do not necessarily understand it.

Once you reclaim ownership over you and your own body you will understand that you are created as a woman for a greater purpose. Never let any one tell you you can't. You will achieve what seem impossible. Be real, be authentic, be your favourite kind of woman. Remember you are bold , you are brilliant and most importantly you are beautiful.

I accept every woman wants to look beautiful. Every woman wants perfect alignment of her body along with sexy curves. And if you really want that to happen you need to work very hard for it.
Here I am going to tell you how to start to lay your feet along the path.

Here it goes .....


You do not necessarily need to go to gym for this. Do it at home, but make sure you do perform these exercises with full dedication, enthusiasm and intensity.

  • Do full stretching of your body before you start.(It will make you less prone to injuries).
  • 50 high knees ( 4 sets, 1 minute rest between each set)
  • Female push ups with your knees on the floor, you are on your toes, chest and stomach touches the ground . (4 sets , 8-10 reps).
  • Free squats with proper form.(4 sets, 10-12 reps).
  • Jumping jacks.(4 sets, 12-15 reps).
  • Reverse crunches(4 sets, 10-12 reps).
  • Plank.(3 sets each of one minute duration)
  • Skipping.(Do it till failure)

Important points to keep in mind

  • Perform the exercises with proper form.(You can check the correct form of each exercise on you tube).
  • Inhale through your nose when you are going down in the gravity and exhale through mouth when you are working against the gravity.
  • Keep your self hydrated throughout the workout .
  • Try to complete your workout within one hour.


Its not the workout alone. If your diet is not proper and if you are not having proper nutrition  no matter how much effort you put into you will never see the desired result. Its 75 percent workout and 25 percent diet. Here is a simplified diet chart which you can follow to notice the positive changes.

  • 3 to 4 egg whites omelet along with veggies. 
  • Drink green tea along with lemon into it.
  • One brown bread along with jam or peanut butter.


  • Two to three table spoon of curd or yogurt .


  • Baked or boiled sweet potatoes. 
  • Fruits.( You can take fruit juice either ).


  • Roti, mixed daal, green vegetable and salad.


  • Thirty to fifty gram of white rice along with salad.
  • Green tea.


  • Boiled chicken, fish along with roti or daal,roti and green vegetables or soyabeans and lots of salad.
  • Milk fifteen minutes before you sleep.

Important points to keep in mind

  • Drink five to six liters of water daily.
  • Eat after every two or two and a half hour.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Try to add salad into every meal except your breakfast.
  • Try to keep your stomach empty at least till one hour before your workout.
  • Have your dinner two hours before you sleep.

The tips above are very simple to in cultivate into your daily schedule and the nutrition is affordable. Try to follow the above tips for one month. You will surly feel the change.

Click on the link to get 8 weeks work out plan for muscles gain 

Click on the link to get the diet plan

Click on the link to know how to make your whey protein at home
