Try it for 2 weeks

Lets do It. Lets Begin. Well done is always better than well said.

This is how you need to start your journey of being fit both physically and mentally.

Give up your laziness , come out of your comfort zone.
You need to do exercise atleast four days in a week and maximum six days.
Start with a simple routine.

Here it goes........

  • Early to bed , Early to rise. Sleep early, between 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm and get up by 5:00 am.
  • Drink two glasses of water. Try to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible.
  • Go for jogging, do skipping, push ups and pull ups. There is no limit, do it till failure. You just need to increase the pumping rate of your heart. These exercises will help you to increase your muscularity ,will result in good digestion of your food and good absorption of vitamin and minerals.
  • After this do at least fifteen minutes of meditation, You just need to sit in open air with crossed legs , close your eyes ,inhale and exhale , and think about all the good things in your life , count your blessings, think about the happy moments, think about the people who love you and eliminate all the negativity from your life at least for those fifteen minutes. This is how you train your soul and mind.
  • There are people who always complain about being tired all the time , who is always energy less. Then free squats is for you( Try doing 150 to 200 free squats. This will result in tremendous release of growth hormones inside your body, which will keep you energetic and full through out the day.
  • Take a shower of cold water for 6 to 8 mins. This increases alertness, relieves depression, eases stress, stimulates weight loss, improves immunity and strength and refines your hair and skin.
  • Do it for two weeks and feel the change.
The above stuffs are very simple and easy to incultivate in your life style no matter how busy your schedule is. It will just take 35 to 40 minutes to complete it. And you can easily afford this much of time for the betterment of you body, mind and soul. If you just continue this and don't stop very soon you will get addicted towards this lifestyle. And this addiction will surely change your life.

      " Comfort zones may be nice places but they are barren land where nothing grows."

Click on the link to get full body workout plan to put on muscles .
