Did you ever ask yourself why are you not growing ?

" When people you do not even know hate you, That's when you know you are doing the best."


You are working very hard at gym. Doing your best , not skipping a single day of your workout , still you are not growing. Still you are not able see your desired results. You are not noticing a significant change in your gains. And it is obvious , it happens with every one who is being in this journey. A phase comes when you stop growing. A period comes when your body is not giving the desired output . Although your input is high but still you are not satisfied with your results.

So, should you give up ? Obviously Not. Just remember its a temporary phase . With proper training and diet, by maintaining a strict discipline and by working  on your flaws you will over come this phase. Here I will tell what probably the mistakes you are doing and how to rectify them. Do try to follow and avoid these mistakes if you you want to see those gains soon.

Here it goes...

Skipping Leg day- Ninety percent of the people skip their leg days or do not train their legs with that much of intensity and enthusiasm like they do with other parts of their body especially their chest and arms. Guys do not forget that your whole body stands on your legs. Its your legs that supports your whole physique. And still you do not pay that much of attention on your legs. I know leg day is the worst day of the week, it hurts and pains the most. Usually involves a large amount of walking around, stalling, and hype. If you skip leg day, you will be deemed a bitch and be called such from then on out.But trust me this pain will only give you your desired result. Its worth bearing this pain. One thing you should know your thighs comprises of huge muscles and you need to train these bigger muscles part. Also training your legs releases huge amount of testosterone in your body. Its just because of this hormone you build your muscles. So without giving a second thought start training your legs and trust me the day you start training your legs with the same intensity and interest like you train the other parts of your body you will surly feel the huge change in your muscles growth and gain. Its forgivable if you miss your chest day but its not at all forgivable to miss your leg days.

Over training and under training- It is one of the major reasons why people are not seeing significant gains . They either train their muscles too much or they do not train them as much it requires training.  Guys one thing you should understand ,if you are training certain part of your body too much, giving too much stress to it and not giving sufficient amount of rest to it then instead of gaining you will start losing your muscles. Muscles of any part of your body at least takes 48 hours to completely recover from wear and tear during training. You do not need to perform 50 sets of 20 reps each. If your goal is to gain muscles, then hit the targeted muscle, try to do total of 4 to 5 exercises of 10 to 12 reps for any body part. The same thing happens when you doing under training. You are not training with that frequency with which you should. Either you are taking too much of rest between two consecutive sets or you go missing from your gym after every few weeks. I personally believe that you are lacking progress because of under training, not over training. So try to evaluate this issue and work on it. 

I suggest try to workout for five days a week, try to complete your workout within one hour and fifteen minutes. Perform your workout with optimum frequency and intensity. Do not miss your gym for more than three days. 

Skipping Cardio and compound exercises- Squats , dead lifts, bench press , military press etc all these comes under compound exercises. If you need to grow bigger and stronger you need to add these exercises into your workout. These exercises releases huge amount of testosterone into your body , the hormone which helps you to gain. These exercises increase your strength and endurance capacity too. You need to perform cardio at least twice a week. It increases and improves your metabolism. It improves your recovery ability and hormone profile. 

Nutrition- As I always say, Its just 25 percent workout and 75 % diet. No matter how excessively you train your self, no matter how much perfect your workout is , if your nutrition is not proper and efficient you will not grow. It very important to know what you eat. You need to follow a proper diet chart. Its your food that provides you energy for your workout and gets stored into your body which you see in the form of the muscles. So guys take proper care of your nutrition too.

Same workout routine for a long period of time- If you are doing the same set of exercises for a very long period of time then your body gets used to the resistance you are providing to it. After certain period of time your body wont respond to the resistance given to it. The growth will stop and it will remain constant. So you need to change your workout chart after every two months.

Not being Consistent- Guys its consistency that matters the most if you really want to see the results. You will never succeed if you become a strong man for one day. To achieve success you need to be consistent. You need to be regular.

Sleep- Guys rest and proper sleep is the major key to lead a healthy life. You need to sleep well and give proper rest to your body. Remember you never grow while working out. You grow while taking rest. You grow while sleeping. Hence proper rest is very important. And try to be cool and stress less too. Give proper rest and peace to your mind too.

Its totally alright to be imperfect and commit mistakes. Its your mistakes from where you learn the most.Try to figure out where you are going wrong. Try to work on those issues. You determination and hard work will surly lead you towards success.

Click on the link to get 8 weeks work out plan for muscles gain 

Click on the link to get the diet plan

Click on the link to know how to make your whey protein at home
